Thursday, April 2, 2015

Our Great Miracle

Our Great Miracle

Can I ask the neighbor to take us to the doctor? asked my husband.  No,you don't have to,I said.I don't want to bother anybody,  I thought. At that time my stomach was killing me. Every night at a certain time my stomach would hurt, Let's say around 3 o'clock in the morning. It would start hurting for longer than a hour. To be honest with you I thought I would die and mind you, I was 7 months pregnant. And my doctor cancelled the appointment so I had to wait for a whole week.
Finally the day of my appointment was here and I got to see the doctor.

It was October 17, 2008.I woke up in the morning ,took a bath, dressed and told my husband that if he didn't hear me in the house anymore that means I've left.
So, a few minutes later the cab came(A cab picked me up for every appointment)I stepped in ,signed the voucher and we left.We drove like half an hour to the clinic at the 21st Street.This clinic is more visited by Hispanic people so a lot of Spanish is spoken there. I signed in and after a couple of minutes I was called inside the doctor's office.My case manager was also there, a lovely lady.She said hi and asked me how things where going.

Not so fine I said. I've been sick for a whole week and I don't know exactly what's wrong with me.The assistant came and took my blood pressure. How is it,I asked. It's high, she answered. But you always told me it was good when I came here . Are you really sure that it wasn't high the other times I came here? It was never high,she said.

How are you doing today,asked the doctor.Not so well ,she's been having stomach pains,my case manager said. Hmmm? Tell me, how long have you been having this? From Sunday until last night, was my answer.You know what, I'll send you to the Women Hospital,and she gave me a letter. Okay,doctor I said,not knowing how serious my situation was.My case manager called another cab which came 15 minutes later.

We drove to downtown.I didn't know where the hospital was located at and neither did the cabdriver.He was asking me!After a minute he said,Oh I know.

Finally ,we found the place ,I got out and went into the building.The receptionist was very friendly.Such an attitude helps you to calm down,when you don't know what's happening to you.How can I help you today?she asked.I have this and I showed her the letter. Ok fill this form out and follow me. We went into a room.she gave me a cup to urinate in and a hospital gown to put on. Put this on and wait here, she said.
Wanna know what happened that day,look out for my next blog on "Miracle

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